Time table for Buses from Manglapuri towards (→) I.S.B.T. Delhi Transport Corporation runs a total of 53 daily trips from Manglapuri towards I.S.B.T. Kashmere Gate, the first DTC Bus is at 4:50 AM and last bus is at 9:48 PM from Manglapuri bus stop. city bus from Manglapuri towards (→) I.S.B.T. In return journey, when you travel 721 no.
RETURN ROUTE: DTC Bus no ‘721’ (Manglapuri to → I.S.B.T. Want to see the timings from all others bus stops in this route and direction? please check the same at: Route 721 Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Manglapuri. DTC runs a total of 106 daily trips from I.S.B.T. Kashmere Gate towards (→) Manglapuri, the first Bus is at 5:07 AM and last bus is at 10:21 PM from I.S.B.T. When you travel 721 route city bus from I.S.B.T.
Kashmere Gate to → Manglapuri) Route &Timings Stop No.